travel guides

Spain Map.png

at a glance…

Biome: dry, hot countryside

Peak season: June - Aug

Hello: “¡Hola!”

Biggest city: Madrid

Don’t miss: Barcelona

Must try: paella + sangria


Inside Scoop

The summer is HOT in Spain, but there are also loads of festivals during July and August.

The Running of the Bulls is an amazing experience, but do not make the mistake of running if you’re not fit and prepared - it’s also fun to watch in the stadium!

Paella and sangria are absolute must-trys.

Embrace the lifestyle. Don’t be surprised if things are dead quiet in the morning, no one gets up before noon anyway.

Some people spend years traveling Spain, so always dedicate more time than you think to any of your destinations - there’s always a lot to do!

Popular Destinations

+ Barcelona

+ Madrid

+ Sevilla

+ Málaga

+ Grenada

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